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TNG — Keynote speech by Martin O’Hanlon, Director of CWA Canada

Martin O’Hanlon, the director of CWA Canada, delivered the keynote speech at the Guild Sector Conference this past weekend. You can read the entire address, provided to us by Martin himself. A snippet:

Conservatives and progressives may be chanting the
same economic mantra – jobs, jobs, jobs. But progressives
understand that jobs are useless unless they pay a decent
It’s a similar thing with journalism. There’s journalism and
then there’s quality journalism. Quality journalism requires
time and resources to find a story, do the necessary legwork
and write it thoughtfully. And that costs money.
You get what pay for. So what do companies expect when
they cut staffing and wages to the bone? How the hell can a
reporter look for corruption at City Hall if he has to write five
stories a day? And what kind of journalist are you going to
get for a lousy wage?
It’s bad for workers, bad for society and dangerous for
See photos from the conference at our Facebook page.
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