Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh’s response to the Post-Gazette’s “Reason as Racism” editorial


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Publisher John Robinson Block, the man behind the reprehensible editorial “Reason as Racism” that ran on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, has rejected the attached letter to the editor from 150 PG newsroom employees represented by the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh. Since you will not be able to read it in the Post-Gazette, where it belongs, we offer it to you here.


To the Editor:

The Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, the union representing 150 reporters, photographers, copy editors, artists and other editorial employees at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, is collectively appalled and crestfallen by the repugnant editorial “Reason as Racism.” As a matter of course, the Guild does not weigh in on editorial positions, but this piece is so extraordinary in its mindless, sycophantic embrace of racist values and outright bigotry espoused by this country’s President that we would be morally, journalistically, and humanly remiss not to speak out against it.

This editorial is a blight on the 231 years of service the Post-Gazette has provided its readers. Over its long life, it has railed against racism and supported civil rights and justice for all. Given this history, the shameful and unconscionable editorial that ran on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, of all days, is an abomination that cannot go without condemnation from journalists committed to fairness, accuracy and decency. To be clear, no member of the Newspaper Guild had anything to do with that editorial and we stand together in solidarity against the bigotry, hatred and divisiveness it engenders.

Our hope is that, like us, readers of the Post-Gazette will decry this lapse in promoting common decency, equal opportunity and justice across our great land and the world. This editorial and its sentiments solely represent the opinions of the Block family, owners of the Post-Gazette, and not their loyal employees who use our talents to fight against what this editorial stands for.

The Executive Committee of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh

Michael A. Fuoco
Jonathan D. Silver
Ed Blazina
Joe Smydo
Melissa Tkach
Patti Sabatini
Dan Gigler
Zack Tanner
Alyssa Brown
Courtney Linder
Erin Hebert

4 thoughts on “Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh’s response to the Post-Gazette’s “Reason as Racism” editorial

  1. Sarah McAuliffe

    I’ve noticed a change in what the pg runs in the last several months since Trump took office. Do we have a Rupert Murdoch wanna be that owns the PG and Blade?

  2. Rick Patnode

    Hi I was a member of local 760 teamsters yakima washington we went on strike against S.S. Steiners on September 19th 2017 theres alot of imformation about our NLRB’s our main thing was about arbitration the company wanted to elimanate it. bottom line we lost they broke the union the NLRB went through some major personal changes because of the new administration. Goodluck and be strong.

  3. Sandra Gerhart

    You, the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, are to be held up as an example of courage for not caving in to the racist editorial “Reason as Racism” by John Robinson Black. He refuses to print your rebuttal letter against his embrace of Trumps embrace of bigotry, but we can still read it and respect you for it.
    (Read at

  4. Bob Padecky

    As a recently retired member of the SF-Oakland Newspaper Guild, I am nearly overwhelmed with the strength of your letter and the firmness to opposed those who employ you. You are the very definition of a free and independent press. I salute you in your stand against racism and the bullies who advance such stink.
    Thank you for your voice.
    Bob Padecky
    Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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